Greetings members and friends of True North
Our team is gearing up to serve and protect you during this unprecedented public health challenge. Here is what you need to know right now. Keep in mind things change day by day. We will update you frequently.
Illness and isolation guidelines:
1. If you are ill with a respiratory infection of any kind you must isolate for a minimum of 7 days. Once you are fever free for 3 days (NOT taking any fever reducers like aspirin, ibuprofen, or acetaminophen) AND your symptoms are improving you may resume normal activities practicing social distancing (maintaining a 6 foot distance) and avoiding groups larger than 10 people.
2. Your household contacts must isolate for 14 days or follow the above guidelines if they get sick.
3. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, extreme fatigue, chest pain (other than pain with coughing that goes away) please call us for advice.
4. Currently testing for COVID 19 is in short supply and is restricted to severely ill patients in the hospital. We will be able to provide testing as it becomes available.
5. Isolation does not mean you have to stay indoors. In fact, outside may be the safest place. Sunlight and movement boost the immune system. Get out and walk!
True North Operations
1. We will be conducting visits electronically as much as possible. Dr. Salter and I are prepared to make house calls within our 20-mile radius for visits that require face to face, including blood draws. Scheduling of office appointments will be done on a case by case basis and staggered so there is minimal waiting room time.
2. Beltrami Ave entrances will be locked during business hours. Phone to be let in or come around to our 514 alley entrance.
3. Tammi and Collette, our competent and flexible front line, will be working from home part time. One of them will be in the office during regular business hours while the other is at home. Please be patient as we work out the details of emergency office operations.
4. We have implemented enhanced sanitizing and disinfecting procedures and have masks available for high risk patients.
Community Response
1. The pandemic has already had serious economic impact for many in our community. True North has made a substantial donation to the United Way Emergency Fund. If you are able please do the same. Members who are economically impacted please contact Tammi about payment waivers/deferrals. If you are able to pay ahead, please do, it will help us keep the lights on during this time of decreased cash flow.
2. True North has reached out to Peoples Church, Village of Hope, The Wolf Center, Park Place, and the new Northern MN Addiction Wellness Center to offer services as these heroic organizations seek to serve and protect our most vulnerable.
3. Dr. Pittman and Dr. Salter are active in community planning with Sanford and other professional organizations. We will offer our services to support hospital operations in the event resources are strained by the pandemic.
4. Our members astound us with their courage, creativity, generosity, and love as we face this crisis together. From donated N-95 masks, to coordinating online book clubs for people in isolation, to delivering groceries, we are experiencing the joy of abundance in the middle of scarcity.
The Covid pandemic is frightening in the speed of its spread and in its potential for causing human suffering. However, I see something spreading much faster: the contagion of compassion. I see an awakened community coming to life in service and love. Whether your calling is to stay home or work on the front lines use this time (dare I say sacred time?) to focus on the present; learn about yourself, your loved ones, and your community; revel in the daily gifts of kindness, food, sunlight and yes, even March snow.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us for your needs. Hope and healing will prevail.